
Taylor Swift's full name is Taylor Alison Swift. Taylor Swift was born on December 13th of 1989, in West Reading Pennsylvania U.S.A. Taylor Swift became a popular artist and singer in the beginning of 2001, with stories of heartache. Swift was a fan of the arts at a very young age, and quickly moved through roles in the children's theater until her first performance before the crowd of a thousand. Swift was eleven years old when she performed The Star-Spangled Banner at a Philadelphia 76ers basketball game. In the following year Swift began to write songs and picked up the guitar. Swift wrote original songs that was inspired by country musicians like Shania Twain (now known as the Chicks), and Dixie Chicks. Her material expressed Swift's feelings about tweens alienation. Swift's family moved into Tennessee from Pennsylvania when she was thirteen so she could spend more time pursuing popular country music labels in Nashville.

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